Currently listening to: "I've Seen All Good People"-Yes & "Little Death" -(+44)
Hello world!
How is everyone today? It is a beautiful day in Missoula today =). I went for a short walk/run this morning by the river and it was so nice. I haven't been exercising like I should lately, so it felt really great to get out (in my shoes I bought specifically for running like two months ago and have barely worn) and get my body moving. Then I cleaned up my room, had some coffee and yogurt, showered and completed my calendar for the month. I took some pictures of campus in the fall because of how undeniably gorgeous it is..

Haha, this picture was taken by my phone, since the camera battery died. Plus, I need a new camera. I've had mine sine I was, like, sixteen. I only remember that because I bought it at Best Buy with Christmas money, then I went to City Brew, and it was the old one, which we closed and moved to a new store when I was seventeen. How's that run on sentence? Yeah good stuff. Anyway, if anyone has any good suggestions for a good camera that is inexpensive (because I'm a college student, remember?!) send them my way, lovelies.
This month is going by so quickly, it is stressing me out. I still have the Christmas Party to plan, invites to send, decorations to be bought! Ick, and that's just one tiny part of the next month. I still have to write three research papers,
one on a feminist reading of Roald Dahl's Matilda and The Witches, which is actually really interesting. One is on duality in Shakespeare's plays, the other is on Eve and Satan in Milton's Paradise Lost. So much work to be done, my friends. But still time to online shop! Lookie lookie at this gorgeous Anthropologie sweater...
Oh, it is so cute. Gah, I hate being so broke. Not that I would usually spend $198.00 on a sweater. I don't think I have ever spent that much moolah on one single thing before.
I'm looking forward to 5 o'clock, when I am done with work, and get spend the rest of my day/night with Jeff. I love out nights! This is something not everyone will understand, but being an R.A. and only having four nights out a week is sometimes very trying. Last weekend, I was in ALL weekend. Let me tell you, Halloween in the office is completely unfulfilling. Ick. I think I will be all domestic-y and make Jeff and I a delish dinner.
Anyway, I don't want to waste all my thoughts on one blog post =) Have a fabulous day everybody!